Message that the affliction of Hussain (AS) passes on to all the Muslims

 The Clear Message

The message that the affliction of Hussain (AS) passes on to all the Muslims is of having confidence in Allah Almighty, being tolerant, and never bargain with insidiousness, oppression, and bad form. Hussain (AS), saw all his family martyred in front of him however didn’t whine to Allah Almighty, rather he remained tolerant. Hussain (AS) had distinctly to promise devotion to Yazid to spare his devotees and family from all the atrocity, however, he didn’t bow down to oppression and bad form, rather relinquished all what he had in the method of truth, uprightness and gave another life to the soul of Islam.

May Allah give us the direction to gain from the episode of Karbala and assist us with building up the attributes of having solid Faith, tolerance, and the boldness to remain against insidiousness and oppression! Ameen.

Imam Hussain’s affliction at Karbala gives proof of the ethical triumph of directly over wrong, of uprightness over a bad habit, of rule over trade-off, of the persecuted over the oppressor, of the, denied over the denier; a definitive triumph of blood over the blade. An exercise showing mankind through the engraving of blood on the looks of mankind’s history, how he passed on to the world, through his battle, the significance of life; that that living is genuine of worth which offers itself for a reason more prominent than it’s self; that to die with honor is superior to living in enslavement to shamefulness.

For those aware of their ethical commitments, reliably endeavoring against unfairness and abuse; EVERY DAY IS ‘ASHURA AND EVERY PLACE IS KARBALA.

Never to Forget

The celebration of ‘Ashura on the tenth of Muharram consistently serves to help us to remember the penances of the honorable all through our sublime history. It reconnects us with our otherworldly and good heritage, making us mindful of the individuals, at that point and now, who courageously supported what was right; just as the individuals who attempted to crush the group of the Prophet and the honorable standards that the family represented. More than that, it uncovered the individuals who watched what was going on, comprehended what was correct; but sat idle.

Let us close our today’s blog “Waqiah Karbala and Imam Hussain AS” with the famous words of Hazrat Imam Hussain AS, On the day of Ashura, he addressed his companions:

“Be patient, you noble ones. Death is only a bridge which takes you from misery and loss to the vast Paradise and the eternal graces”

Those people who say that the clash between Imam Hussain (A.S) and Yazid was for acquiring power will have to admit (God forbid) that Hussain (A.S) did not have his belief in the sayings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). If this is not so, which is factually the case, then we will have to admit that Imam Hussain (A.S) was all set for embracing martyrdom, not power. The history of Islam is littered with many scores of martyrdoms having their respective place in history but the worldwide fame and importance of martyrdom of Hussain (A.S) owes itself to the fact that those martyred were related with the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) through bloodline. It is not merely the sacrifice of one individual but of many kith and kin of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The history cannot forget the epoch of Karbala, its details and importance at any stage.

However, some people out of their flawed thinking or lack of wisdom are bent upon belittling the sacrifices rendered in Karbala by dubbing it as a political clash between two princes aimed at acquiring power. Adopting this line of thinking is dangerous and is an attempt at disfiguring the history of Islam. The fact of the matter is that Karbala represented clash between the forces of truth and falsehood.

The events of Karbala in particular and the entire reign of Yazid in general are reflective of the fact that he left no stone unturned to expose people to the worst forms of cruelty and oppression who refused to hold allegiance to him. When Yazid took over the mantle of power, his first act was to replace all experienced, pious, noble and wise governors with those from among his relatives having sordid conduct and questionable character. It was in this way that the entire government was handed over to such people and the culture of governance was changed. That is why we find that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) did not single out one such individual of rotten character but branded the whole empire as representing sin and moral decay.


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