
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt You

  You order an item online and it takes way more time to arrive than it should. Plus, a few items are missing in the package. Frustrated, you take to the vendor's Facebook channel to voice your concerns and expect to be compensated. And despite repeated prodding, there is complete radio silence at the other end. The experience didn't feel good did it? You think maybe this business doesn't care about you - how you trusted it to give you a good experience and it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any frustrated individual would - you vow never to order anything from here again and hit the "unlike" button. For social media strategists, there is a lesson to be learned here. A social media marketing strategy can eventually falter with a few un likes and negative comments. As a business owner, social media gives you limited chances to make a good impression. How you take advantage of these chances might make your business or break it. The proof is in these st

Social Media Marketing Tips

  Today, having an excellent internet marketing strategy is often crucial to the success of any business. There are plenty of passionate people who start their own business only to eventually fail. Unfortunately, passion isn't always enough. In order for your business to be successful, you need passion and a solid marketing strategy. In this day and age, that should include social media marketing. Marketing 101 Be sure to backup all of your business information. Viruses, malware, system crashes, and other issues can wipe out your entire business in the blink of an eye. Also, depending on your work environment, you may want to consider a Rackmount LCD, KVM rack, or LCD keyboard drawer in order to protect your equipment as well Once you have the basics covered, make sure that your landing page is optimized. It is often the first impression your customers have of you and your company, and you know what they say about first impressions. How to Optimize your Page Choose a name for your

How Does The Existing Economical Situation Influence Online Shopping?

Now is the time for businesses to make a decision to get online. Factors such as the decrease in the number of customers, rise in cost of fuel, growth in the number of people who shop online , oblige companies to shape their online presence. Consumers are also driven to shop online as it is less expensive to buy your goods online than spending money on the gas and driving to the stores. In an article from April 2011 it is mentioned that UK consumers prefer to make use of e-commerce websites when they take pleasure in shopping as gasoline prices are rising gradually. A study carried out by the Institute of Grocery Distribution determined that 52% of consumers in UK will cut down their shopping journeys if the prices of gas keep on going up. Rather than driving to the shopping malls, people will choose to take advantage of the neighborhood shops or buy their groceries and luxuries by means of online shopping. 33% of the respondents to the study declared that online shopping would be thei